Time Carries On

Time Carries On

Steven Bentsen Retired Evil Mastermind I’m turning 35. That fact that I’m fast approaching another birthday is something of a surprise to me. When I was young and often sick I watched as death became a fairly normal fact of my life, stripping away those I cared about...
Enjoy the Process

Enjoy the Process

Steven Bentsen Retired Evil Mastermind Delight in the journey rather than the destination. I’m saying this for myself as much as anyone else whom might wander in from the wild open ranges of the web– being creative is challenging. Whatever your pursuit might be,...
Cause and Effect

Cause and Effect

Steven Bentsen Retired Evil Mastermind My ‘if – then – therefore’ reflex. Processes are connected, some dependent upon and others responsible for some degree of their associates. I don’t often spend time thinking about it directly, as it’s been trained...
Do you train your sense of humor?

Do you train your sense of humor?

Steven Bentsen Retired Evil Mastermind Or does it train you? Let’s get technical for a minute, or digital, as anyone can figure this out with google-fu. A sense of humor is the ability to perceive it (duh) or appreciate a joke (more research required). Joke, a thing...
Insight via Acceptance

Insight via Acceptance

Steven Bentsen Retired Evil Mastermind I consider existence to be sufficiently vast as to be indistinguishable from infinite due to my mortal perception. I couldn’t possibly fit all the information stored in a single library into my mind within a single lifetime, much...
Chaos Magic

Chaos Magic

Steven Bentsen Retired Evil Mastermind As it pertains to writing. My goal with any written work is to tell a story. At times some philosophical concepts may slide into the outline or major plot arcs, but typically my stories revolve around the characters within them....